Friday, 16 April 2021

My Report about NBC!

W.A.L.T write information reports

In room 2 we have been researching and learning about new Brighton catholic (NBC).

We looked at time capsules, interviewed ms Daines (the principal), and went around the school to take notes. I enjoyed this because I liked being outside and walking around! 

Here is a link to my full blog post


Wednesday, 14 April 2021


 W.A.L.T use thinking skills,

My class has been using thinking hats about a story called Jesus rose from the dead. And there are colours of hats. Green is creativity, White is information, Black is problems, Red is emotions, Yellow is positives, and Blue hat is thinking. My favourite hat was yellow because when Jesus died a few days later he rose from the dead, and my leas favourite was the black hat because people did not believe he was the son of God, and Jesus was forced to die on skull hill.